Monday, June 27, 2016

Majority of Italian MPs support Maryam Rajavi’s plan for future Iran

NCRI - A majority of Italian lawmakers have announced their support for the goals of the Iranian Resistance and the 10-point plan of Iranian opposition leader Maryam Rajavi for a future free Iran.

Italian human rights figure expresses solidarity with Iranian Resistance

NCRI - Former Italian lawmaker Elisabetta Zamparutti has expressed her solidarity with the major gathering of Iranians and their international supporters in Paris on July 9 titled “Free Iran.”

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Iran: Prospects for change one year after the nuclear agreement

Middle East: Growing and immediate threat of Islamic extremism

NCRI - Contrary to earlier assessments, a year after the nuclear deal between the P5+1 countries and the clerical regime, Tehran’s belligerence in the region has become more widespread, the human rights situation in Iran has deteriorated and the regime has become ever more closed and introverted.

Why July 9th gathering? - Message of Tony Peter Clement - MP from Canada

Excerpts of remarks by Tony Peter Clement - MP from the Conservative Party of Canada

Despite their claims of being more moderate, Iran is firmly controlled by its hardliners. We must continue to oppose the Iranian regime. The facts do not lie. Executions are up by 30 per cent. Iran's state support of terrorism has been widely acknowledged.

gathering for FreeIran in Paris(Bouget) July 9th